THE DEATH OF RIGHT & WRONG by Tammy Bruce: A Review

I’ve, of course, read some stupid political books in my time (reread the review of Ann Coulter’s asinine book and/or Bill O’Reilly’s equally-asinine books). But I think Tammy Bruce’s inexplicably bestselling book The Death Of Right & Wrong really takes the political cake. Tammy Bruce, for those of you who don’t know who she is (lucky!), is a former president of the LA chapter of NOW (the National Organization for Women) who later became a shameless Republican-ass-kisser (Dennis Miller, are you listening?) even though she’s an admitted lesbian, a staunch “pro-choice” advocate and STILL considers herself to be a feminist (at least somewhat so). What’s wrong with THIS picture? And you’ll REALLY be scratching your heads when you read TDORAW. For instance, in the book Bruce gives her “insight” into the rampant Catholic sex abuse scandal by implying or saying how the Catholic Church was “infiltrated” by “gay” priests who, according to Bruce, "joined" the priesthood so they could "prey" on young boys as she accuses "gay" men of being wont to do (even though she starts the book by describing her "affair" with some soap opera actress who committed suicide when she was a teenager yet she doesn't accuse her fellow lesbians of seeking to "prey" upon young girls). She doesn't really offer too much in the way of "evidence" to back up her "claims" save for some "study" done by some--who else!--right-wing outfit (and we all know how "impartial" THEY can be!). And then she praises the Boy Scouts and how they (supposedly) stopped said child sex abuse by going out of their way to (supposedly) keep “gay” boy scout leaders out of the boy scouts altogether. Of course, years later come to find out that child sex abuse was about as rampant within the boy scouts for about the same length of time as it has been within the almighty Catholic Church even though they kept “gay“ men out of their ranks. Oops! While Tammy Bruce may admittedly may not be as, shall we say, bombastic as, say, Ann Coulter, I still think she can be as equally full of . . . well, you know! Personally, and frankly, I think someone--like yours truly!--should remind Miss Bruce that the so-called right will regard people like her as an "aberration" no matter how much she kisses their ass, you know what I'm saying?
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