Wednesday, March 6, 2013

BIBLICAL HEBREW & ARAMAIC by Larry A. Mitchel: A Guest Review by Robert John Huffine

In his 'General Orientation' on page xiii, Note 2, Mr. Mitchel points out that (non-vowel) which he calls a ''Sewa," but that's just Book-ese and should have been pronounced like Biblical Israelis and Modern would: "SchVAH." It's realistic and unpretentious sounding and I mean to say 'come on; we're not teaching the Romans how to speak Hebrew now, are we?' Other than this, I'm scanning this over for a few hours last night; and either I've missed it or I can't find a single mistake in it. But I'm just beginning the intermediate stages of understanding Modern Israeli Writing. Taking myself into an honest accounting for what I don't know thoroughly enough, I went from page one, making a list and by the time I hit page eighteen, I had counted 32 words and it fell on "Bal," a word of negation; "Not, surely?" and it's the 6th word from the top left side. Alphanumerically, it comes to 32. Funny ain't it? This number went higher to the end of the 19th page, where my total ignorance of words to that point, was 48. See that? 19. 48. Do I have too much time on my hands or what? According to one source, if a beginner learns just the 25 words on page 1, they will be able to immediately read 43% of the Tanakh as a whole. So get this neat little book, which will fit neatly into your man-bag or purse and easily so. If you use a good hi-lighter lightly on these pages, they shouldn't bleed through: Good paper for penning small notes.

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