Mercy Thompson
Jill Kismet |
I'm a big fan of "urban fantasy" novels, i.e. novels featuring vampires, werewolves and other supernatural beings. Think the Twilight books (only much, much better!). My two favorite urban fantasy series would be the Mercy Thompson series written by author Patricia Briggs and the Jill Kismet series written by author Lilith Saintcrow. There are some differences and similarities between the two characters. For instance, Mercy Thompson is a shapeshifting coyote who works as a mechanic at a garage she bought from her former boss an old German Fae named Zee while Jill Kismet is a hellbreed hunter whose "powers" are enhanced by sorcery and a hellbreed scar put on her wrist by a usually double-crossing hellbreed named Perry at the request of her mentor Mikhail who was murdered by a Sorrows--i.e. a sort of female demon--whom he was having an affair with. Mercy had a past relationship with an older werewolf named Samuel while she was being raised by his father Bran's werewolf pack who winds up living with her in her trailer and then later becomes the "mate" of another werewolf an "alpha" named Adam who lives behind her trailer and Jill has a relationship with a Werecat--not exactly a werewolf--named Saul. (One thing that Adam and Saul share in common is that both of them, unlike Mercy and especially Jill, are pretty domesticated.) Mercy was raped by a scumbag named Tim while under the "influence" of Fae magic whom Mercy ends up killing and Jill was a teenaged prostitute who ends up killing her pimp before she meets and is subsequently trained by Mikhail. Mercy is "friends" with a vampire named Stefan and Jill is an "acquaintance" of hellbreed Perry's who's--pardon the pun!--hellbent on turning Jill into a full-blown hellbreed through his "pact" with her. (One major difference between Stefan and Perry is, while both are admittedly agents of evil/darkness, Stefan doesn't seem to revel in his evilness as Perry obviously does.) Both Mercy and Jill are fiercely loyal to those they love and/or care about and both tend to look before they leap, so to speak, which causes them both to get into some pretty sticky--and, of course, life-threatening--situations. Both women have training in the martial arts which tends to come in handy given how many sticky and/or life-threatening situations they get themselves into. Between Mercy Thompson and Jill Kismet, Mercy is perhaps more, shall we say, personable of the two. Of course, the question remains, who would win in a fight between Mercy and Jill? I would have to say Jill, although I would figure Mercy would give her a run for her money (and especially since Mercy would have some big-time back-up with her "mate" Adam's werewolf pack, although Jill would have some big-time back-up as well with her "mate" Saul and his fellow Werecats along with the other hellbreed hunters). Oh yeah, both book series are written from the first person points-of-view of Mercy and Jill. I believe I hit on all the main points of both series, but, if I left out anything about these particular book series, my sincerest apologies!
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