Al Franken once said that what right-wing stalwart Ann Coulter did was, and I quote, political pornography. I agree. Ann Coulter has inexplicably made a "career" out of penning and/or espousing said political right-wing pornography. It seems like Ann puts out a book every year or two and each one seems to be just as outlandish as the one before it. And they all, of course, target the same thing: liberals, liberals and liberals as in "liberals are terrorists" or "liberals are traitors" or "liberals need to be taken out and shot" and, well, you get the picture, don't you? And, for those of you who think I'm actually kidding you about what Ann Coulter writes, in previous books she actually venomously lashed out against 9-11 widows (by calling them "harpies" and accused them of merrily profiting from their husbands's tragic deaths and urged them to pose for Playboy) and actually all but called for the assassination of then-President Bill Clinton (whom she attacks--besides, of course, liberals!--in every single one of her books). But, as outlandish as all those books are, I picked her book "Guilty" because I think she really puts her big Republican-ass-kissing foot in her big Republican-ass-kissing mouth. Subtitled "Liberal 'Victims' & Their Assault On America," Ann Coulter goes after mostly, well, everybody whom she feels has unjustly labeled themselves--you guessed it!--victims and . . . again, you get the picture, don't you? One of my, for lack of a better word, favorite parts of the book is where she devotes an entire chapter on those evil un-American "liberal" traitors/terrorists known as--that's right!--single mothers. Yes, ladies & gents, you heard right, SINGLE MOMS!!!! In the chapter titled "Victim Of A Crime? Thank A Single Mother!" or some such claptrap, Ann argues in her usual venomously outlandish way that pretty much ALL of crime committed in this country is a result of the perpetrators being "raised" by--wait for it!--SINGLE MOMS!!!! Ann's suggestion to wannabe single moms--whom Ann seems to especially loathe--is to (my paraphrasing) keeps their legs closed and DON'T procreate until they're--of course!--married to a man (again, of course!). Never mind the fact that Ann Coulter has 1) never been married herself (though she has been engaged a number of times, believe it or not!) and 2) SHE HAS NEVER HAD ANY CHILDREN OF HER OWN (and, yet, still feels that she can offer parental "advice" on the proper way for others--i.e. those "ungodly" liberal harlots!--to raise their little ones). And, in typical Ann Coulter fashion, she complains pages later in the book how the "liberal" media criticized Sarah Palin's teenaged daughter Bristol for being a, and I quote, "trollop" for--again, wait for it!--HAVING A CHILD OUT OF WEDLOCK!!!! (This kind of reminds me of when Ann stated in her previous book appropriately-titled Slander how she was sick & tired of "conservatives" like HER being likened to--and, again, I quote--"Nazis" and then pages later actually likened "liberal" media personality Katie Couric to Eve Braun. That's Hitler's girlfriend, for those of you not in the know.) I would say some more about Ann Coulter and her insipid book(s), but, since I don't wish to give her anymore of the free publicity she so obviously craves, I believe I'll just end this "review" here, all right?
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